Ammara Ahmed-Katkodia

Range name: ‘ the dress code ‘

Instagram: @ammara_kat

Twitter: @AmmaraKatkodia

Snapchat: ammarakatkodia

Pinterest: akatkodia

I am Ammara. My love for Fashion & Design has been on going ever since I can remember. I’m a final year student at LISOF School of fashion and am super proud of myself for coming this far. This is just the beginning of my Fashion design career.

My range is designed according to my personal style as an individual. I Love minimalistic style with pops of surprises, I am not an over the top designer nor am I a over the top influencer. Basic and clean is my look and feel in which allows my designs to be considered trendy and classic at the time.

 I take trendy fabrics which allows me to not keep it safe and construct classic garments to get the feel of both – being on trend + looking classic. I believe the fabric makes the outcome successful in all things design.

Strong, successful and self – loved women is what inspired me to create ‘the dress code’. My designs were designed behind the concept of the Men’s style trend concept – Considered Comfort broken down to the sub trend of City Rhythms which is a mature and seasoned taste and style related to work fashion twisted with a young trendy sense of street style.

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